Film Photography


Film Photography
35MM . 120



Hi There, you expected something old, dingy and blurry when you clicked on this page did you?

Well you know what, you got it.

Images captured on films have special characters? Yea it’s true.

Some might say “you look better on films!”, well you know what, that’s also true.

Film Photography allows me to capture life moments with tremendous peace and joy.

Slow life is good life.


Take a peek outside a very dark room’s door gap for a split second and

see the first image that appears before you.

Now imagine the room’s a mini 6-inch rocketship that travels freely across your surrounding and living space. You are in command of where it goes and when you get to peek outside.

Ok I know you get it, the dark room, mini rocketship is a camera… And finally, you are the films.